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Content directly related to ReNamer application.
Pages in category "ReNamer"
The following 75 pages are in this category, out of 75 total.
- ReNamer
- ReNamer:Adding files and folders
- ReNamer:Analyze
- ReNamer:Binary Signatures
- ReNamer:Command Line
- ReNamer:Date and Time format
- ReNamer:Export menu
- ReNamer:Failed renaming
- ReNamer:Files header menu
- ReNamer:Files menu
- ReNamer:Filter settings
- ReNamer:Introduction
- ReNamer:Long paths
- ReNamer:Main menu
- ReNamer:Managing rules
- ReNamer:Manual editing
- ReNamer:Masks
- ReNamer:Menus for the Files pane
- ReNamer:Meta Tags
- ReNamer:Options menu
- ReNamer:Pascal Script
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Basic Conversion Routines
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Break script execution
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Dialogs
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:FileName
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:FileName Utilities
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:FilePath
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Functions
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Import functions
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Initialization of variables
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Quick guide
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Read file content
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Reuse variable
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:SplitPath
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Types
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:Unicode String Handling Routines
- ReNamer:Pascal Script:WideUpperCase
- ReNamer:Presets Manager
- ReNamer:Previewing files
- ReNamer:Program settings
- ReNamer:Quick Guide
- ReNamer:Quick Start
- ReNamer:Regular Expressions
- ReNamer:Renaming files
- ReNamer:Renaming folders
- ReNamer:Renaming to another folder
- ReNamer:Rules
- ReNamer:Rules menu
- ReNamer:Rules:Case
- ReNamer:Rules:CleanUp
- ReNamer:Rules:Delete
- ReNamer:Rules:Extension
- ReNamer:Rules:Insert
- ReNamer:Rules:Padding
- ReNamer:Rules:PascalScript
- ReNamer:Rules:Randomize
- ReNamer:Rules:Rearrange
- ReNamer:Rules:Rearrange Examples
- ReNamer:Rules:ReformatDate
- ReNamer:Rules:RegEx
- ReNamer:Rules:Remove
- ReNamer:Rules:Replace
- ReNamer:Rules:Serialize
- ReNamer:Rules:Strip
- ReNamer:Rules:Translit
- ReNamer:Rules:UserInput
- ReNamer:Scripts
- ReNamer:Skip extension
- ReNamer:Sorting files
- ReNamer:Step-by-step
- ReNamer:TOC
- ReNamer:Using presets
- ReNamer:Using the Rules
- ReNamer:Validation
Media in category "ReNamer"
The following 92 files are in this category, out of 92 total.
- AddButton.png 45 × 21; 251 bytes
- AddFilesButton.png 105 × 39; 4 KB
- AddFoldersButton.png 121 × 39; 5 KB
- AddRuleButton.png 73 × 21; 429 bytes
- AnalyzeDialog.png 418 × 346; 18 KB
- Append preset button.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- ApplyRulesButton.png 175 × 31; 4 KB
- CaseRule.png 619 × 395; 22 KB
- CleanUpRule.png 619 × 395; 22 KB
- ClearSubmenu.png 181 × 160; 1 KB
- CopyPresetButton.png 32 × 32; 2 KB
- DeleteRule.png 619 × 395; 17 KB
- EditPresetButton.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- ExportMenu.png 298 × 240; 7 KB
- ExtensionsRule.png 619 × 395; 17 KB
- FileMenu.png 173 × 166; 2 KB
- FilesPaneHeadersContextMenu.png 131 × 291; 2 KB
- FilterSettingsDialog.png 345 × 485; 27 KB
- GeneralSettingsDialog.png 359 × 381; 22 KB
- GotoLineDialog.png 438 × 113; 8 KB
- HowAddRulesWorks.png 690 × 399; 24 KB
- InsertRule.png 619 × 395; 19 KB
- LoadPresetButton.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- MarkByMask.png 438 × 143; 10 KB
- MarkSubmenu.png 197 × 149; 2 KB
- MenuButton.png 52 × 20; 281 bytes
- MetaTagsDialog.png 337 × 337; 18 KB
- MetaTagsSettingsDialog.png 359 × 381; 17 KB
- MiscSettingsDialog.png 359 × 381; 16 KB
- OptionsMenu.png 224 × 120; 3 KB
- PaddingRule.png 619 × 395; 18 KB
- PascalScriptCaseWithFallThrough.png 278 × 496; 11 KB
- PascalScriptRule.png 720 × 395; 17 KB
- PascalScriptsMenu.png 156 × 236; 3 KB
- PresetDeleteButton.png 32 × 32; 1 KB
- PresetEditWindow.png 506 × 355; 25 KB
- PresetLinksDialog.png 351 × 180; 11 KB
- PresetsManager.png 374 × 222; 16 KB
- Preview.png 499 × 425; 40 KB
- PreviewButton.png 92 × 34; 5 KB
- PreviewSettingsDialog.png 359 × 381; 21 KB
- RandomizeRule.png 619 × 395; 24 KB
- RearrangeRule.png 619 × 395; 18 KB
- ReformatDateRule.png 619 × 395; 18 KB
- RegExRule.png 619 × 395; 16 KB
- RegExRuleSyntaxHint.png 506 × 427; 24 KB
- RemoveButton.png 63 × 22; 285 bytes
- RemoveRule.png 619 × 395; 17 KB
- RenameButton.png 98 × 34; 4 KB
- RenamePresetButton.png 32 × 32; 4 KB
- RenamePresetDialog.png 438 × 113; 8 KB
- ReNamer Browse Dialog.png 393 × 443; 28 KB
- ReNamer Files Table Columns.png 153 × 335; 5 KB
- ReNamer Folder Rename Bad After.png 329 × 135; 5 KB
- ReNamer Folder Rename Bad Before.png 313 × 135; 5 KB
- ReNamer Folder Rename Good After.png 328 × 135; 5 KB
- ReNamer Folder Rename Good Before.png 313 × 135; 5 KB
- ReNamer Icon.png 48 × 48; 7 KB
- ReNamer Insert Meta Tag Button.png 125 × 24; 2 KB
- ReNamer Main Outline.png 789 × 413; 56 KB
- ReNamer Main Steps.png 593 × 387; 40 KB
- ReNamer Open Dialog.png 571 × 423; 43 KB
- ReNamer presets directory structure.png 686 × 278; 28 KB
- ReNamer Quick Start Add Rules.gif 398 × 224; 20 KB
- ReNamer Quick Start.gif 630 × 420; 86 KB
- ReNamer User Manual.pdf ; 1.5 MB
- ReNamer-5.74-French.txt ; 86 KB
- ReNamer-5.74-Japanese.txt ; 93 KB
- ReNamer-5.74-Polish.txt ; 89 KB
- ReNamer-5.74-Russian.txt ; 104 KB
- ReNamer-5.74-Serbian.txt ; 99 KB
- ReNamer-5.74-Spanish.txt ; 87 KB
- ReNamer-5.74.slp ; 799 KB
- ReNamer-5.74.txt ; 69 KB
- ReNamer.png 474 × 460; 26 KB
- RenameSettingsDialog.png 359 × 381; 20 KB
- ReplaceRule.png 619 × 395; 18 KB
- RulesContextMenu.png 184 × 177; 2 KB
- SavePresetDialog.png 295 × 285; 12 KB
- SaveScriptDialog.png 438 × 113; 9 KB
- SaveTranslitMapDialog.png 438 × 113; 9 KB
- SelectByExtnDialog.png 438 × 143; 11 KB
- SelectByFileNameLengthDialog.png 438 × 113; 9 KB
- SelectByMask.png 438 × 143; 11 KB
- SelectSubmenu.png 193 × 100; 1 KB
- SerializeRule.png 619 × 395; 22 KB
- ShellSubMenu.png 237 × 143; 2 KB
- StripRule.png 619 × 395; 20 KB
- TranslitMenu.png 134 × 270; 2 KB
- TranslitRule.png 619 × 395; 19 KB
- TranslitRuleExample.png 619 × 395; 20 KB
- UserInputRule.png 619 × 395; 15 KB