#1 2007-05-02 14:19

Registered: 2007-05-02
Posts: 3

Unsure about how can i rename these files


I want to use rename to process a lot of photographs, i want the path be like this

yyyy/mm - mmmm/dd/yyyy.mm.dd - (last 4 characters of the filename).(extension)

All the dates shown here are of :EXIF_data:.

There is a way that i can do this besides pascal script?

Thank´s, your program is very helpful smile


#2 2007-05-02 15:43

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,464

Re: Unsure about how can i rename these files

You are on the right direction, use :EXIF_Date: tag, but change it's format to the one that you want. This can be done in Settings (main menu). There is only one problem: at the moment, date format must contain only valid filename characters, which means that you can't use "\" in there.

Don't worry, here is a workaround for you, just use these steps:

1) Set date/time format to: yyyy$mm - mmmm$dd$yyyy.mm.dd
(you will later replace dollar signs with path delimiters)

2) Add Delete rule: from position 1, till the end, skip extension
(this will clear the original name, and will leave only extension)

3) Add Insert rule, with :EXIF_Date: tag

4) Add Replace rule, replacing "$" with "\"

This should do it! ReNamer will automatically created folders.

P.S. Test it on small number of files first!


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