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(i) was opened within itself, this is not allowed. Why am I getting this error message when posting code? Thanks
(Adjusted the subject line, Stefan)
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I was trying to post a new script code which contained (i) syntax and upon clicking submit the following error message showed up:
“(i) (i surrounded with SQUARE brackets NOT round ones) was opened within itself, this is not allowed”. Needless to say I had to change the square brackets to round otherwise I couldn’t have posted this. Try this to duplicate the error message - use this same posting but change the round brackets surrounding i to SQUARE brackets and repost.
Please let me know what happens. Thanks
Oh, you were talking about writing in the forum.
The square brackets in forums are usually used for formatting purposes (bold, italics, quotations...).
To post a code I recommend to writ something an hit preview, this will bring you to a new posting box. There you will have a button that looks like "<>". If you select it you can wrap your code between [ code ] tags.
Your error was because [ i ] is normally used for italics.
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As SafetyCar already suggested, you should paste your code within the [ code ] tag, it will fix your issue.
For more info read BBCode help: