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Dear experts, I have a question.
I have filenames like
"Left PART-Right PART of THE first fileNAME 001"
I want to leave the left part (before the hyphen) unchanged.
Is there a possibility to set the rules in ReNamer that it only changes the right part, after the hyphen?
I want to remove the spaces and "captitalize and preserve" the right part of the filenames (after the hyphen).
"Left PART-RightPARTOfTHEFirstFileNAME001"
Best regards
Last edited by Torsten01 (2020-06-22 19:48)
Currently, there is no easy way to apply rules only to a part of the filename.
However, your task can be accomplished with the Pascal Script rule, using a script below:
HyphenPos: Integer;
BaseName, PartLeft, PartRight: WideString;
HyphenPos := WidePos('-', FileName);
if HyphenPos > 0 then
BaseName := WideStripExtension(FileName);
PartLeft := WideCopy(BaseName, 1, HyphenPos);
PartRight := WideCopy(BaseName, HyphenPos+1, WideLength(BaseName));
PartRight := ReplaceRegEx(PartRight, '\b(\w)', '\u$1', False, True);
PartRight := WideReplaceStr(PartRight, ' ', '');
FileName := PartLeft + PartRight + WideExtractFileExt(FileName);
Thank you very much for the Pascal Script. It's exactly doing what I want
By the way, you can learn more about the scripting features at our Pascal Script wiki article.
Thank you for this hint. I am not really able to write scripts in Pascal but I understand the script you have created except the following line: "PartRight := ReplaceRegEx(PartRight, '\b(\w)', '\u$1', False, True);"
Could you explain to me what "'\b(\w)', '\u$1', False, True" is doing?
Last edited by Torsten01 (2020-06-24 19:11)
ReplaceRegEx() >>> … xpressions
ReplaceRegEx(Input, Find , Replace, CaseSensitive, UseSubstitution);
ReplaceRegEx(Input, '\b(\w)', '\u$1' , CaseSensitive, UseSubstitution);
\b + \w + \u >>>
For "(...) and $1" >>> see there at "Substitution of text using backreference"
Means: find one sign of "an alphanumeric character" at a "word boundary" and capture the match in (...) parentheses
for reuse later by $1, which has the option \u to "Convert all characters to upper case".
So match the first sign of an word and change the case to upper, if need or not.
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