#1 2015-01-20 00:38

Registered: 2015-01-20
Posts: 6

Shutter - Random Shutdown


We have Shutter Installed on windows 8.1 OS and we have experienced random shutdown of machines.
in the event log we have listed

The process wininit.exe ( has initiated the power off of computer PC400 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: Legacy API shutdown
Reason Code: 0x80070000
Shutdown Type: power off

On a machine expected to shutdown I see the above event log and also on the machine randomly shutting down.

our setup for Shutter is




Is ther ea way that I can check if this is shutter shutting down these machines, shutter own log od events ?


#2 2015-01-20 11:16

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,440

Re: Shutter - Random Shutdown

This doesn't look like Shutter.

Below is a event log entry of a shutdown that was initiated by Shutter on Windows 7.

The process C:\Windows\system32\winlogon.exe (X) has initiated the power off of computer X on behalf of user X\User for the following reason: No title for this reason could be found
Reason Code: 0x500ff
Shutdown Type: power off

Can you try initiating a forced shutdown action in Shutter manually and then checking the event log to ensure that you don't see the same event log message as you have posted?

Shutter does not have its own log currently.


#3 2015-01-21 00:35

Registered: 2015-01-20
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter - Random Shutdown

Thank you for the quick response.

What I have done is rebuilt a machine as per our standard build.
I have installed Shutter onto the machine with a slight modification of the time instead of 48hours of inactivity I have changed this to 2min
the way I install shutter is via Microsoft System Centre Configuration Manager. this installs the software as system it then puts in the registry run section of the HKLM of windows to start shutter with a preset file

I have Manually done a shutdown with Shutter in the event log a get the following:

The process C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe (PC422) has initiated the power off of computer PC422 on behalf of user Domain\Ludo for the following reason: No title for this reason could be found
Reason Code: 0x500ff
Shutdown Type: power off

I have let shutter shutdown the machine using a 2min inactivity interval ( WINDOWS Locked )

The process wininit.exe ( has initiated the power off of computer PC422 on behalf of user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for the following reason: Legacy API shutdown
Reason Code: 0x80070000
Shutdown Type: power off

I have let shutter shutdown the machine using a 2min inactivity interval ( WINDOWS unlocked )

The process C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe (PC422) has initiated the power off of computer PC422 on behalf of user Domain\Ludo for the following reason: No title for this reason could be found
Reason Code: 0x500ff
Shutdown Type: power off

locked and unlocked I'm referring to when machine is at ALT + CTRL + DEL
I will do some more testing but appears that when the machine is locked it uses the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and when unlocked uses the logged on domain account.

saying the above I don't think it using either NT Authority or domain account is causing the shutdown as I would see it more randomly in testing but it so far is hitting the 2min mark without fail.
I have noticed when I initially had installed shutter even though I was starting it using a custom preference file it would still use the default preference file once I changed the default and the custom to have the same inactivity it worked fine and after a reboot it would use the right file ( default file I had when testing and had a very short time set )

below is what I had in the batch file so that after it did the install it would start shutter
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Shutter\Shutter.exe" /preset "ShutdownInactive"

so far I have only had 2 machines out of 250 Machines do a random shutdown so will monitor it, I know it does not sound much be would hate the third (if there is ) to be one of the people who determine my future .So I will monitor it.


#4 2015-01-22 04:44

Registered: 2015-01-20
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter - Random Shutdown


OK I think I know what has happened

1. I had shutter installing via a batch file using SCCM
2. in the batch file shutter would be launched ( I lazy wrote it )
3. batch file would not exit and timeout because it was waiting for shutter to exit
4. SCCM would time out the deploy and thus try and deploy again
5. SCCM installs via system account
6. when user starts PC shutter starts as the user but the user had exited out of shutter
7. SCCM has then ran again and installed shutter and started it via system account ( when this happens when shutter not exited nothing happens as cannot have 2 instances of shutter running )
8. shutter starts an inactive timer on the system account and PC will shutdown 48 hours after shutter was installed/started.

I have tested the above scenario mind you I had a 2min inactivity timer on it and exited shutter, checked  task manager shutter not running , checked taskmanager again a few minutes and shutter running under system ... 2min and while I was working on the machine it just suddenly shutdown as there must of been a 2min of inactivity on the system account.

So to confirm Shutter is not Randomly shutting down machines and if you want to go further it is actually working perfectly as expected.

Last edited by Ludo (2015-01-22 04:47)


#5 2015-01-22 11:48

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,440

Re: Shutter - Random Shutdown

I'm glad that you have managed to figure it out, and thanks for posting your findings.

In the meantime, a new shutdown/reboot API was integrated into Shutter which allows to capture the name of the application and a custom comment as a reason for shutdown. It will be automatically used on Windows XP and later versions. This feature is currently available only in the latest development version.

Here is an example of a new style of message in events log:

The process С:\Program Files\Shutter.exe (X) has initiated the shutdown of computer X on behalf of user X\User for the following reason: Other (Planned)
Reason Code: 0x80000000
Shutdown Type: shutdown
Comment: Planned shutdown by Shutter


#6 2015-01-22 22:36

Registered: 2015-01-20
Posts: 6

Re: Shutter - Random Shutdown

Excellent that will make things easier , thank you


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