#1 2011-05-21 22:44

From: Brasil
Registered: 2008-05-14
Posts: 18

New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

Exists html and hex representations of the color (and separeted fields for rgb)

Just want another representations of the color like

rgb with commas: 0,0,0


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#2 2013-06-03 11:16

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,472

Re: New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

This feature has been implemented in the v1.0.0.2 Beta: Colors Beta.

I presumed it was for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

P.S. I have just noticed your post, it seems to have missed my eye and got lost until I noticed it during the forum restructure.


#3 2013-06-03 20:43

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

den4b wrote:

This feature has been implemented in the v1.0.0.2 Beta: Colors Beta.

I presumed it was for Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

P.S. I have just noticed your post, it seems to have missed my eye and got lost until I noticed it during the forum restructure.

Though I'm not the author of the post, I'd like to enter the discussion.

If it's going to be called "CSS" can I suggest that you wrap it in a "rgb(" + color + ")" text? When it's used it usually has that format.
Also I think It's recommendable to add the "rgb(R,G,B)" since there is another option that is "hsl(H,S,L)" also both of these can be transformed to allow alpha transparency calling them as "rgba(R,G,B,A)" and "hsla(H,S,L,A)". I'm not telling all of this should be there, RGB is probably the most used by far, but it's probably better not to left the doubt of which is it.

Although maybe the type of user using this tool is interested in alpha... Once you go with rgb() you know you can have problems of incompatibility and the only real reason I see to pick an special format, would probably be that you want a new feature, like transparency, else I would probably use the most compatible format, HTML...

I know the window it's getting out of space and it's probably hard to change the names and add that text but you get the idea. roll

Just an opinion, I hope it's useful.

Last edited by SafetyCar (2013-06-03 20:43)

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#4 2013-06-03 23:48

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,472

Re: New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

SafetyCar wrote:

If it's going to be called "CSS" can I suggest that you wrap it in a "rgb(" + color + ")" text? When it's used it usually has that format. Also I think It's recommendable to add the "rgb(R,G,B)" since there is another option that is "hsl(H,S,L)" also both of these can be transformed to allow alpha transparency calling them as "rgba(R,G,B,A)" and "hsla(H,S,L,A)". I'm not telling all of this should be there, RGB is probably the most used by far, but it's probably better not to left the doubt of which is it.

I was thinking of exactly same issues while implementing this feature. I'm not very worried about the transparency as it can be easily be added as a floating point value after the color has been selected. However, I am worried about rba(...) notation and rgb() vs hsl() confusion.

So, instead of worrying about all these issues maybe it would be better to rename the field name to "R,G,B" instead of "CSS"?


#5 2013-06-04 18:43

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

den4b wrote:

I was thinking of exactly same issues while implementing this feature. I'm not very worried about the transparency as it can be easily be added as a floating point value after the color has been selected. However, I am worried about rba(...) notation and rgb() vs hsl() confusion.

So, instead of worrying about all these issues maybe it would be better to rename the field name to "R,G,B" instead of "CSS"?

I'm not sure, maybe that it's better, or just RGB. Although I see very handy beeing able to copy it straight forward with rgb().

What I'm really thinking (going outside of aesthetics) is that the -names- are not really important and maybe they are not even needed. It might feel strange, but probably the person looking for the format to copy will know what he/she wants...

Anyway, back to the question, I see that other name (R,G,B or RGB) better than just "CSS".

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#6 2013-06-05 07:57

Senior Member
Registered: 2008-04-28
Posts: 446

Re: New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

Thinking a little bit more on this, what about: "HTML", "RGB Hex", "RGB Dec"?

If this software has helped you, consider getting your pro version. :)


#7 2013-06-05 13:17

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,472

Re: New field in the program (R,G,B color format)

"RGB Hex" and "RGB Dec" look even more cryptic I think... And "RGB Hex" should really be "BGR Hex" then due to endianness wink

I think "HTML", "Hex" and "R,G,B" will work for now and we can revisit this if we get some confused users down the road.


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