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Not "direct" renaming will spell disaster some day. Because user will not be aware of that, whatever he sees - thats what he expects to get renamed, and if ReNamer says there are validation violations - then user should simply reconsider the rules that he/she uses. I'm strongly against temporary steps, since there are really a lot of things that can go wrong, and if they will go wrong - user will lost, and files may be lost as well.
You've got a point there, of course. Yes I know one can always find a workaround, I just thought it'd be nice if ReNamer could produce every legal output without hassle. You know, the "just-works" thing
There's a third possibility as well: when such errors are present, ask the user first if he wants to do an automatic two-step rename.
Hmm... I like the "_" underscore solution much more then the user prompt one
By the way, I've set the password for azazell0 to be the same as for azazell0_v2, so you can use your old nick name. I don't know what the password was/is, since this forum stores only a hash of it...
!!! I FOUND IT !!!!
I found a way to create an array of files that are in ReNamer without any modifications and without scanning directories! That piece of code will write a list of files from ReNamer, one per line, in the 'c:\files.txt' file. Just preview using that script, and then create another script that will be reading all previously written files from 'c:\files.txt' using FileReadLine function
Files: TStringsArray;
function Len: Integer;
Result := WideArrayLength(Files);
procedure Add(const S: WideString);
WideArraySetLength(Files, Len+1);
Files[Len-1] := S;
procedure Save(const Path: WideString);
Contents: string;
I: Integer;
Contents := '';
for I:=0 to Len-1 do
Contents := Contents + UTF8Encode(Files[i]) + #13#10;
FileWriteContent(Path, Contents);
Add(FileName); // or use FilePath variable to store original path!