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Hi everyone! I'm using renamer and so far, I really love this program! However I ran into a problem that I cannot solve. I have about 100 files where the spacing has changed.
For example (s):
Foo FightersMy Hero.mp3
Lenny KravitzFly Away.mp3
LiveI Alone.mp3
I want to put a space between the "s" and the "M", a space between "z" and "F", and "e" and "I".
In other words, I want to put a " - " between the lowercase letter and the uppercase letter.
Is there a way to do this in Renamer?
Hi Everyone! I figured out the problem from another post regarding putting a space between a lowercase and an uppercase character. What I did was put the following code using "add rule", then "PascalScript", then after cutting and pasting it in, clicked on "Try to Compile" and it worked so I added it as a rule, ran the job by clicking the "rename!" button, and voila! it worked!
Separator = ' - ';
I: Integer;
for I:=WideLength(FileName) downto 2 do
if IsWideCharAlpha(FileName[i]) then
if IsWideCharUpper(FileName[i]) and
then WideInsert(Separator, FileName, I);
Other way is with RegEx
Expression: ([a-z])([A-Z])
Replace: $1 - $2
Case sensitive checked
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