#1 2008-08-19 02:33

Registered: 2008-08-18
Posts: 4

Serializing ripped audio books

Hello All,

When I rip an audio book from multiple CD's, most of the time it is ripped as Unknown/Unknown so I use Renamer to do the dirty work of renaming the files and I have it down pretty well, BUT...

Here is what I do:

Unknown (Folder)
   Unknown (Folder)
      Disc-1 (Folder)
         01-Unknown Track01.mp3 (File)
         02-Unknown Track02.mp3 (File)
         03-Unknown Track03.mp3 (File)
      Disc-2 (Folder)
         01-Unknown Track01.mp3 (File)
         02-Unknown Track02.mp3 (File)
         03-Unknown Track03.mp3 (File)

So I use these two rules in each of the Disc-n folders:
rule 1 - Delete from position 1 until Count reaches 3 (skip extension)
rule 2 - Replace all "Unknown Track" with "Author-Name of book D01T" (skip extension)

So what I end up with is: (for example running in the Disc-1 folder)

       Disc-1 (Folder)
         Author-Name of book D01T01.mp3 (File)
         Author-Name of book D01T02.mp3 (File)
         Author-Name of book D01T03.mp3 (File)

Works like a charm! BUT...

I need to do that in each of the 10+ folders (Disc-1, Disc-2...) changing rule 2 to now say ...D02T..

So, to my question (I know, finally) Is there any way for me to have ReNamer traverse through the many disc folders and change the rule to update the D02 (3,4,5...) portion?



#2 2008-08-19 07:08

From: Germany, EU
Registered: 2007-10-23
Posts: 1,161

Re: Serializing ripped audio books

Hi Muggs and welcome.

One question first:
the simplest way for you would be to use an better rip tool big_smile ... which makes
the work for you automatically...would this be an solution to you?


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#3 2008-08-19 12:57

Registered: 2008-08-18
Posts: 4

Re: Serializing ripped audio books

Hello Stefan,

Yes, I would love to rip it and be done!  I'm all ears.




#4 2008-08-19 13:11

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: Serializing ripped audio books

Yes, any fare ripping software should be able to this much! But if you are stuck, ReNamer can help you out for sure big_smile

You don't need to insert manually the "D01T", "D02T", etc for each disk, you can simply use the :File_FolderName: tag, which will insert the name of the parent folder - "Disc-1", "Disc-2", etc. Then you can simply replace "Disc" with "D". Why do you remove the track number? You can just move it the end of the file using RegEx, instead of using serialize rule (assuming you are using it).

How does that sound? Tell us if you have any questions regarding this method...

NOTE: This topic will later be moved to the Help and Support section!


#5 2008-08-19 14:35

Registered: 2008-08-18
Posts: 4

Re: Serializing ripped audio books

den4b, Thanks. I only remove the track # from the beginning and leave the track # at the end, so the final name has "Author-BookName-D(disc)01T(track)01".

The reason that I do it this way is that I can then put all files in one folder and drop them onto my Ipod and they list (and play) in the correct order.

Thanks for all of your help.



#6 2008-08-19 14:44

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: Serializing ripped audio books

I was asking why you removed the track because you never told us how you got it back into the filename. I assumed that you used the Serialize rule. But maybe you actually used ID3 tags to insert Track number, and if so, you could also insert Disk number from ID3, of course if ripping software filled up that tag.

ReNamer supports an entire series of ID3 tags, you can find them in the Insert rule.

Anyway, is your problem solved?


#7 2008-08-19 15:50

Registered: 2008-08-18
Posts: 4

Re: Serializing ripped audio books

Well, I certainly have enough answers to ask some new questions.:)

I just tried iTunes and I get all of the info (Author and Book name) that I need and the ability to combine tracks into chapters (using the acc format).
Now I'll play with ReNamer some more, and see if I can get what I'm after.

If not I'll ask here again. (actually in the help section I guess.)
Thanks for all of your help so far.



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