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Pages: 1
I like the examples dropdown in the Edit Rule box. Would it be possible to add a button to save- or export current PascalScript? This is different from "save preset" in that presets save a rules list, and PascalScript is one kind of rule. Perhaps add a dropdown within the PascalScript dialogue with its own respective user-presets?
I was thinking about that already.. but here is only ONE issue:
You know the way that ReNamer is a single executable (ReNamer.exe), and it is a Very strong point - it doesn't require any other files at all When I was writing those Examples for PascalScript, I thought of putting them into a separate folder (like Presets), but then I will have to distribute that folder with the examples as well... you see where I'm getting?
At the same time, it still will be a single executable... Let me think about this one, I'll get back to you...
Here it is! I have separated PascalScript examples into a separate folder called "Scripts"
Users can Save their own scripts from within the PascalScript rule, and Load them later.
"Scripts" folder is optional, and doesn't have to exist for ReNamer to work properly!
awesome.. I'll definately download that and play around with it
When I saw the original interface I was immediately reminded of Disruptor OL.. and that's what inspired my suggestion.
When I saw the original interface I was immediately reminded of Disruptor OL.. and that's what inspired my suggestion.
Hmm... Disruptor OL is a spam filter for MS Outlook, and ReNamer is a file/folder renaming utility.
Did I miss anything? :conf: How could you be reminded about Disruptor OL, by looking at ReNamer's interface? They have completely different interface and purpose, nothing in common..
the purposes are completely different but the dialogues are similar.... to me only? I'll screen capture the one I was thinking of when I switch to that computer later.
The screenshots I saw:
No.. I see nothing in common
Pages: 1