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Pages: 1
I can rename ReNamer.exe to something else, but it still generates ReNamer.ini. I would like it if [NAME].exe looked for [NAME].ini instead.
Ex. RN.exe loads RN.ini, 932.exe loads 932.ini
edit: I just read about the 'Presets' directory. Could you also add an option to name it [Name]_Presets. I like to keep a bunch of utilities in one directory and "presets" is a bit vague.
Try now! RN.exe will generate RN.ini
About "[Name]_Presets"... but I like folder "Presets", as well as new "Scripts" folder
I don't want to make a mess by prefixing all the folders...
wow two new features.. at least the matching ini will make USB flashdrive use much nicer Perhaps you'll consider an *option* to prefix directory names...
Perhaps you'll consider an *option* to prefix directory names...
Hmm... I don't know, I like "Presets" and "Scripts" folders as they are
Pages: 1