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Just came across your program. I like very much what I see so far. I am wondering if there is the capability of actually creating a series of folders? Such as 'Days of the week', or 'Months,Years', 'A-Z'. I'm guessing that it could be read from a text file possibly.
folder: 2007
folder: January
! !
! sub folder: 1st
! sub folder: 2nd
! sub folders (to the 30th)
folder: February
folders to December
Also: How about the possibility of changing the ICON of the folder and of sub folders? I've been looking for a feature such as this for a long time.
Great program!!
ReNamer understands full and relative paths in the "new name" field. For example: you have file "C:\folder\file.txt", and if you insert into the new name "2007\11\03\", then the new path for this file will be "C:\folder\2007\11\03\file.txt". Program will automatically create not yet existing folders. Now, the rest depends on where you get the date which you use for creating folders, and how exactly you want to use it. There are two ways for formatting date: via meta tags and global definable date format from the settings, or via pascal script FormatDateTime function.
For changing the icon - You can try finding a command line tool which is able to do that, and then you can integrate it into ReNamer using PascalScript.
I can't help you more, without knowing more details...
Thanks for the quick reply. I'll have to look at PascalScript (new to me) and see if there is a possible solution.
I've been playing around with your program and am quite impressed by the flexibility you have built in.
Suggestion: I have always thought that the ability to change the COLOR of the file/ folder name text would be a great tool. I know that windows can do that because it shows NTFS compressed / encrypted files in blue. How about adding that feature?
There is already a similar feature, called "Highlight changed names", from the Options menu. It will highlight all changed names in red color. I don't think that general text color really matters...
Pages: 1