#1 2025-02-07 13:20

Registered: 2025-02-07
Posts: 1

Difficulty re-ordering the files


I'm trying to randomise graphics files from 001 etc to 050, and have achieved this successfully, by randomising the number and then applying a new sequence using serialise. This works adequately, but for it to work correctly, I have to remove the files from the listings page, and drag and drop them back into the page from the source folder. This reorders them so when the serialise option is activated, I have a new randomised sequence.
Is there a way to do this without having to remove the files and drag them back in?


#2 2025-02-09 00:28

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,466

Re: Difficulty re-ordering the files

I think this is a similar problem as in Random number but in a sequence.

1. Insert a random number prefix.
2. Sort by new name.
3. Remove the random number prefix.
4. Insert an incremental number prefix.
5. Rename.

Basically, you will randomise the order of files with steps 1-3 before adding the final index in step 4.


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