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Dear All,
I have over 1600 files of mp3.
My issue is that they have first the song title and after the artist.
For example:
Poker Face Lady Gaga
I want to reverse all the files so to be the artist first and the song title at the end
For example:
Lady Gaga Poker Face
Is this can be done with ReNamer?
Thank you very much!
Normally you can use the Rearrange rule or the Regular Expressions rule to swap parts of the filename.
How do you know where the song title ends and the artist name begins? Is there an identifiable delimiter between the two parts?
Also, if your MP3 files have ID3 tags populated, then you can use Meta Tags to build the new name using the relevant tags.
Last edited by den4b (2025-01-07 15:51)
Thank you very much for your answer!
The Artist Name from the Title Name have 2 spaces.
For example:
Poker Face (1 space) (2 spaces) Lady Gaga (1 space).
Thank you very much!
If two consecutive spaces is the delimiter, then you can use either of these rules:
Regular Expressions: Replace expression "(.+?)\s\s(.+)" with "$2 - $1"
Rearrange: Split by exact pattern of delimiters " ", New pattern "$2 - $1"
Note that the delimiter is just two spaces, without the quotes.
Thank you very much!!
It worked perfectly!!