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Pages: 1
The insert rule's meta information works with mp3 ID tags. I would also like to be able to name files according to the meta information in FLAC files. I use FooBar to rip audio CDs to FLAC and sometimes would like to change the file naming scheme -- especially when I forget to customize it before ripping. FLAC is a lossless format. Its therefore ideal for audio archival. I don't want to start a flame war here, but I'm not interested in savaging the audio fidelity using mp3s.
Is there a sneaky way to do this now? If not would this be a modification you might be interested in making? (once you get enough donations to revive the ReNamer source)
Good news for you!
Chech out the FLAC_* tags in the latest dev version:
By the way, do FLAC files always have *.FLAC extension?
Tell me how it goes, ok?
I will surely try this soon and report back
This feature is already in the latest release: v5.00
Pages: 1