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I defined an Event-Action combination and saved it in "Preset" sub folder as "test7.spr"
Now I want to start Shutter with exactly this Preset file as parameter. Therefore I entered at the command line:
Shutter.exe /preset test7.spr
...but got an error
"Failed to load preset: test7.spr
Whats wrong?
Last edited by pstein (2021-05-24 11:05)
Try without extension ---> Shutter.exe /preset test7
For me, it is easier to save command as .bat file, including the command to run from any partition. Here is the example:
cd /D "C:/Program Files (x86)/Shutter/" & Shutter.exe /preset test7
It might help someone.
It would be nice if the corresponding wiki page could have some real command examples, to avoid any confusion
Denis, I noticed when the command is executed successfully, there is no message like "Successful execution" or something like that. Could we have it? Some automation tools execute commands but they require some kind of 'command end' message in order to continue further execution.
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