#1 2020-05-31 01:58

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 5

My How-To to adding ReNamer to context menu


step 1: add renamer to environmental variables

On the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer.
In the pop-up menu, click Properties.
In the System Properties window, click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
In the System Variables window, highlight Path, and click Edit.
In the Edit System Variables window, insert the cursor at the end of the Variable value field.
If the last character is not a semi-colon (;), add one.
After the final semi-colon, type the full path to the file you want to find.

in our case, add

C:\Program Files (x86)\ReNamer

Click OK in each open window.
The new path will be used the next time a command prompt is opened, or a service is started.

some people will need to restart the pc for this to work


step 2: create presets and save them


these setting will determine what the preset process


step 3: create .bat files

in c:\r directory we create our files


these .bat files will refer to our presets


i made my 'renamer date size' preset. now i make batch file datesize.bat.

make sure you save in .bat format

"ReNamer.exe" /rename "renamer date size" "%~1"


step 4: create .reg file

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

	;commands when a file is selected
"MUIVerb"="Renamer preset"


	;commands when a folder is selected
"MUIVerb"="Renamer preset"



@="\"C:\\r\\folder.bat\"   \"%1\""

@="\"C:\\r\\FolderFile.bat\"   \"%1\""

@="\"C:\\r\\datesize.bat\"   \"%1\""

@="strip char folders"
@="\"C:\\r\\stripcharfolders.bat\"   \"%1\""

@="\"C:\\r\\p.bat\"   \"%1\""


step 5: merge .reg file

double click the .reg file and you are good to go

this has been developed on win 8.1 with latest updates on 31 may 2020

the end result


Last edited by fireheart2008 (2020-05-31 02:05)


#2 2020-06-03 09:44

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,464

Re: My How-To to adding ReNamer to context menu

Thanks for posting this how-to. I'm sure some users will find it useful.

An easier alternative is to use a built-in option that creates shortcuts to all presets, which can be easily placed into the "Send To" folder. This doesn't require any changes to the registry or the creation of auxiliary bat files. You can find this option in the Presets menu » Create Links. But this option does not create a dedicated submenu in the context menu, but rather uses the already existing "Send To" submenu, which may not always be the best solution.

A couple of comments regarding your approach...

step 1: add renamer to environmental variables - Can be skipped, if the full path to ReNamer.exe is used in other steps.

step 3: create .bat files - Can be skipped, if commands for ReNamer.exe are specified directly in the registry, rather then via the bat files.

step 4: create .reg file and step 5: merge .reg file - Can be performed with specialized context menu editors, which is ideal for less advanced users who do not feel comfortable editing the registry. For example, one such tool is Easy Context Menu (it's free, google it).


#3 2020-06-03 10:05

Registered: 2018-03-13
Posts: 5

Re: My How-To to adding ReNamer to context menu

i know about the 'send to' options. it's actually what lead me to think of this method. mine was getting longer and longer.

adding renamer to environmental variables was just following the docs for command line here but yeah you're right, for the rest i just found something that works that i understood and went for it. i tried to provide comments in the registry file to understandable for those interested.

I should mention that this reg file be easily removed. just replace all instances of [ with [- and with a double click , it's removed.





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