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(Continued from a different topic: Too many characters in replace text)
Every now and then I have to rename a bunch of files using an ever increasing library of acronyms (lcd=liquid crystal display, led=light emitting diode etc...). I store these in an excel file that I can output into the replace format (*|* in between). When I have many acronyms to add I generate from the excel file, but if I only have a few it is quicker to just type them directly into the excel file and also the replace text fields.
If you provide a small sample of your acronyms (posted as plain text here) just to demonstrate the pattern, then we can help you out with a basic script.
So I don't really want to post the actual data but but my pattern is like airport codes, and multi word cities where they are located (except mine aren't all 3 characters)
ABS=Abu Simbel
GIC=Boiju Island
CBL=Ciudad Bolivar
DSK=Dera Ismail Khan
EDR=Edward River
Where these acronyms are in the filenames are in the filenames, are preceded by a - and suffixed with an underscore. So if I had an acronym that formed a word that appeared in the filename, it wouldn't replace that. So the actual before and after replace would look like this
-ABS_=-Abu Simbel_
-GIC_=-Boiju Island_
-CBL_=-Ciudad Bolivar_
-DSK_=-Dera Ismail Khan_
-EDR_=-Edward River_
I know there is a better way, but this is how I got it working, so I didn't mess with it.
Here is a script which will load a dictionary from a file specified in DictionaryFileName. Each line in a dictionary file is a set of find and replace values delimited by "=" (equal sign).
Replacement is performed as is, i.e. find => replace. Not extra checks or modifications are performed, e.g. no word boundary check.
Note that this script does not handle Unicode dictionary data, only plain ANSI.
DictionaryFileName = 'Dictionary.txt';
Delimiter = '=';
FindList, ReplaceList: TAnsiStringArray;
Initialized: Boolean;
procedure LoadDictionary;
Line, DelimStr: String;
Lines: TAnsiStringArray;
I, DelimPos: Integer;
Lines := FileReadLines(DictionaryFileName);
SetLength(FindList, Length(Lines));
SetLength(ReplaceList, Length(Lines));
DelimStr := Delimiter;
for I := 0 to Length(Lines) - 1 do
Line := Lines[I];
DelimPos := Pos(DelimStr, Line);
if DelimPos > 0 then
FindList[I] := Copy(Line, 1, DelimPos - 1);
ReplaceList[I] := Copy(Line, DelimPos + Length(DelimStr), Length(Line));
FindList[I] := '';
ReplaceList[I] := '';
function ApplyDictionary(const Input: WideString): WideString;
I: Integer;
FindStr, ReplaceStr: WideString;
Result := Input;
for I := 0 to Length(FindList) - 1 do
FindStr := FindList[I];
ReplaceStr := ReplaceList[I];
if Length(FindStr) > 0 then
Result := WideReplaceStr(Result, FindStr, ReplaceStr);
if not Initialized then
Initialized := True;
FileName := ApplyDictionary(WideExtractBaseName(FileName)) +
Last edited by den4b (2017-05-12 14:30)
Awesome! I still have to figure out how to have it work on only stuff preceded by a "-" and followed by a "_" so I don't have to hard code that stuff in the values but this is a great help. Thank you so much!
I still have to figure out how to have it work on only stuff preceded by a "-" and followed by a "_" so I don't have to hard code that stuff in the values...
If you haven't figured it out yet, the key is in modifying the following line:
Result := WideReplaceStr(Result, FindStr, ReplaceStr);
You could change it to:
Result := WideReplaceStr(Result, '-' + FindStr + '_', ReplaceStr);
Or, you could add the prefix and suffix as constants at the top of script like so:
FindPrefix = '-';
FindSuffix = '_';
And the modify the replacement line to:
Result := WideReplaceStr(Result, FindPrefix + FindStr + FindSuffix, ReplaceStr);
The benefit of having them as constants is that it is easy to change them later, if you need to.
Am I right that if I change the code snippet from
Result := WideReplaceStr(Result, FindStr, ReplaceStr);
Result := WideReplaceText(Result, FindStr, ReplaceStr);
the search will not be case-sensitive?
I am currently concerned with a huge MS-Outlook export (*.msg-files) and a lot of mail adresses vary with regards to upper and lower cases.
Btw: Thanks for this really helpful program!
Hi zelos,
FYI, there is a documentation:
I guess you are right, just test it on a small example file yourself for clarifying
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zelos, that's correct.
WideReplaceStr performs a case-sensitive replacement.
WideReplaceText performs a case-insensitive replacement.
Pages: 1