#1 2008-02-01 13:48

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 16

Filter Settings > Masks Syntax


ReNamer 5.20
Win98 SE

In the "Filter Settings" window, only 'Add files within folders" is ticked.
The concerned folder to be added contains a file named cop2000.jpg :
- if the mask is cop*, the file is not listed in the bottom window of ReNamer when clicking "Add folders".
- if the mask is *cop*, the file is listed as expected.

This is very disturbing, specially for a rookie !



#2 2008-02-01 15:17

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

Nam, you got me really worried there for a minute. It did sound very disturbing, but after a quick research into this issue, I found the not obvious truth and explanation. This explanation hit me as been un-clear for users, so that is why in the next version you'll see a warning in the Filters: "Masks are matched against FULL PATH".

I think after the last sentence you already understood what was happening. Funny enough, I forgot that the masks were actually matched against full path and not just file name.

This explains why *cop* worked and cop* didn't, because it was matching it against something like "c:\folder\cop2000.jpg". So for this example, you should use "*\cop*", but note that it will also match "c:\cop-folder\file.txt".


#3 2008-02-01 17:21

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 16

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

Good solution !  cool

You can also grey out the "Masks" window when not in use because actual behaviour leads to think, a contrario, that "no sign = the path" : no sign in the box allows the search only in the chosen folder (not recursive).



#4 2008-02-01 19:52

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

Do you mean grey it out when it is empty, and reverse to white as you start entering something in the masks field?


#5 2008-02-01 20:24

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 16

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

Yes !
If impossible automatically, by ticking a box to allow masking then forbid exiting with empty window (typing anything mandatory...).
As said, actual behaviour lets think that empty corresponds to the path.


Last edited by Nam (2008-02-01 20:26)


#6 2008-02-01 21:25

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463


#7 2008-02-02 07:47

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 16

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

Simply terrific ! cool

Slight improvements :

- Opening the "Filter settings" window, focus is not on the "Masks" box : mouse left clicking does it but don't  enlighten the box.
I think better to enlighten the box by the mouse before typing...
(Then, as the good last behaviour you have created for the box not in focus : no sign=dark, sign=white)

- With the warning for the path, for the rookies (like me...  tongue), you can give an example : *xyz* not xyz* to find xyz01.txt

Nota :
What do you think of adding an item (sub-item to "Add files within folders" ?) to "Default behavior for adding folders" : "Stay within target folders" ?
More than being useful, this will enlighten your mask principle...

Nota 2 :
ReNamer can't open a maximized window even it was the behaviour at last closing and "Remember..." is on !
(Window opened is a big "small window" only.. ah ! ah ! lol )

Nota 3 :
When the window "Invalid file name..." is closed, would be interesting to show automatically the first invalid item in the list.  cool

Nota 4 :
In the files list window (bottom main window), would be useful to mark a contiguous serie of files by clicking first and last with [SHIFT] key pressed...

Hope MHO can help !

Last edited by Nam (2008-02-15 05:49)


#8 2008-02-16 15:17

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

> I think better to enlighten the box by the mouse before typing
I thought about that, but then it ruins the whole purpose of the "greyed out text" - which is for the field to be grey when there are no masks defined. If the focus stays in the field, and it is empty, it might be a bit misleading to have it white. Example: if you focus on the empty masks field, then press ESCAPE key to exit the filters dialog, then click on the filters again - masks field will be in focus straight away, making it white with your new behaviour, even tho it will be empty.

I'm not sure about this one. What do you think? Maybe someone else has any suggestions about this one?

> With the warning for the path...
I changed the warning to an option, so now you can select your-self, whether you want mask applied to the full path or only the file name.

> Nota : What do you think of adding an item to "Default behavior for adding folders" : "Stay within target folders" ?
Not sure what this supposed to do, but I think the previous option eliminates the need for it.

> Nota 2 : ReNamer can't open a maximized window...
Ahh.. I didn't make it remember the maximized state, but it would remember the position and dimensions while in the maximized state. Anyway, I guess it would make sense to remember the state it-self. Implemented.

> Nota 3 : would be interesting to show automatically the first invalid item
Implemented big_smile

> Nota 4 : would be useful to mark a contiguous series of files by clicking first and last with [SHIFT] key pressed...
Wait, it is already like that. I just tried it, it works perfectly! Maybe your SHIFT key doesn't work? tongue

Download: ReNamerBeta.zip


#9 2008-02-17 09:02

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 16

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax


> I think better to enlighten the box by the mouse before typing
I thought about that, but then it ruins the whole purpose of the "greyed out text"

With the change of warning to option which is self explanatory, I think the "greyed case" is not any more useful...  wink

> With the warning for the path...
I changed the warning to an option...

Fantastic !  cool

> Nota : What do you think of adding an item to "Default behavior for adding folders" : "Stay within target folders" ?
Not sure what this supposed to do, but I think the previous option eliminates the need for it.

Right !
The aim was to search *in* selected folders, not in the whole path.

> Nota 2 : ReNamer can't open a maximized window...

Good !  big_smile

> Nota 3 : would be interesting to show automatically the first invalid item
Implemented big_smile

Good !  big_smile (bis !)

But little problem here :
Open ReNamer
Click "Add Folders"
(folder selected is by default the last opened...)
Don't change anything, click "Add Folders"
If there are invalid files, warning window pops up, first invalid appears in background list
Close the warning window
Oooops ! First invalid file has vanished... C'est magique !  big_smile

> Nota 4 : would be useful to mark a contiguous series of files by clicking first and last with [SHIFT] key pressed...
Wait, it is already like that. I just tried it, it works perfectly! Maybe your SHIFT key doesn't work? tongue

Here, it don't work : fine with "SELECT", bad with "MARK" !
[SHIFT] key seems in good health...  lol


Last edited by Nam (2008-02-17 12:19)


#10 2008-02-27 00:18

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,463

Re: Filter Settings > Masks Syntax

Open ReNamer
Click "Add Folders"
(folder selected is by default the last opened...)
Don't change anything, click "Add Folders"
If there are invalid files, warning window pops up, first invalid appears in background list
Close the warning window
Oooops ! First invalid file has vanished

Could not reproduce this issue... Can you do more testing on your side?

Here, it don't work : fine with "SELECT", bad with "MARK" !

Ohh yes, it will select the files with SHIFT, and then you can use the context menu (right-click on the files table).
There are several marking options. Most of them would have handy shortcuts as well. smile

P.S. Do you really think that the "greyed out text" is no longer needed?


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