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Is there anyway to make the meta tags uppercase?
Would like to add CRC32 in [ ] brackets as uppercase. I'm guessing there is a way to do this with the other rules too but i'm outta touch with Regex atm ..hehe. Time to read up.
Might be worth adding someway to make meta tag values uppercase if it's not already there.
Hi Qkid,
Just paste this into the PascalScript rule, and that should do it
Don't forget to insert the CRC32 first, in the [] brackets!
PosStart, PosEnd: Integer;
PosStart := Pos('[', FileName);
PosEnd := Pos(']', FileName);
if (PosStart > 0) and (PosEnd > PosStart) then
FileName :=
Copy(FileName, 1, PosStart-1) +
UpperCase(Copy(FileName, PosStart, PosEnd-PosStart)) +
Copy(FileName, PosEnd, Length(FileName));
Mostly, people use the hash in lower case, so thats why I use it in lower case as well.. so I don't think there is a need to implement an option of upper/lower case for hash tags, since this piece of code can do it easily
Thanks for the fast reply and knocking up the code.
I have used Pascalscript in another application, The Godfather but am a bit out of practise with it. I guessed i could have done it with that.
Pages: 1