#1 2006-10-06 11:52

Registered: 2006-10-06
Posts: 1

Renaming jpeg files

Trying to rename photos within a folder.

Want to rename as 1.jpeg, 2.jpeg and so on.

Currently named in format 110_1093.JPEG, 110_1094.JPEG and so on.

Please advise.  Please assume I don't know anything!

Thank you in anticipation.


#2 2006-10-06 12:42

From: den4b.com
Registered: 2006-04-06
Posts: 3,464

Re: Renaming jpeg files

First step is to drag and drop your folder with photos into ReNamer. Make sure you remove windows thumbnails (*.db files) from the files table, if there will be any, by selecting them and pressing Delete key.

Then, you need to add these 3 rules:

1) Delete: from position 1, until the end;
2) Serialize: incremental, start 1, step 1, as prefix;
3) Case: all lower case, do not skip extension.

Preview, Rename, and you are done!  smile

P.S. if you want to preserve their original numeric order, right-click on the files table columns and pick a "Name Digits" column from the popup menu, to show this extra column. Then, left-click on that column to sort by the digits in the name.


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