ReNamer:Scripts:RegEx Case Convertion: Difference between revisions
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Author: krtek. Date: 26 July 2009. | Author: krtek. Date: 26 July 2009. | ||
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Author: krtek & Stefan. Date: 27 July 2009. | Author: krtek & Stefan. Date: 27 July 2009. | ||
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Revision as of 15:02, 8 February 2017
The script compensates for the lack of the ability of ReNamer's RegEx engine to change case of groups captured by RegEx.
User needs to provide REGEX and CHANGE_CASE parameters to the script controls. The exact form of the CHANGE_CASE string is explained in the legend below the main controls.
- ReNamer 5.74.4 Beta
Author: krtek. Date: 26 July 2009.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal"> const
REGEX = '(.+) - (.+) - (.+)'; CHANGE_CASE = '102';
SKIP_EXTENTION = true; //true or false CASE_SENSITIVE = False; //Should searching with regex be case sensitive? Default: False FULL_MATCH_CHECK = True; //Should the script warn you if regex didn't match the full filename? Default: True;
//Legend for CHANGE_CASE parameter:
//1. Capitalize Every Word
//2. lowercase
//4. iNVERT cASE
//5. First letter capital
//0. No changes
//You may specify case for every capturing group (brackets) in regex as a string of appropriate digits.
//If the CHANGE_CASE string is shorten then number of capturing groups then the last digit is used till the end of regex.
//If the CHANGE_CASE string is longer, spare digits are ignored.
//eg. '102' means that first matched brackets will be uppercased,
// second - won't be changed and third (and every brackets after it) - lowercased.
STANDARD_ANSWER = BREAK_STRING+' to exit, '+FOR_ALL_STRING+' to continue';
Matches, SubPatterns : TWideStringArray; TempFilename, FileNameProcessedPart : WideString; start_pos, end_pos, i, j : Integer; Initialized, TimeToExit, NotAFullMatch, CheckIfFullMatch : Boolean; CaseFlags : array of Integer; CaseFlag : Integer; Answer : WideString;
function SetCaseFlags(s : WideString) : array of Integer;
i : Integer;
LoopEnd : Integer;
CaseIDs : array of Integer;
SetLength(CaseIDs,Length(s)); LoopEnd:=Length(s)-1; for i:=0 to LoopEnd do begin CaseIDs[i]:= StrToInt(WideCopy(s,1,1)); s:=WideCopy(s,2,Length(s)-1); end;
result:= CaseIDs;
procedure Initialize;
Answer:=STANDARD_ANSWER; CheckIfFullMatch:=FULL_MATCH_CHECK; Initialized:=true; CaseFlags:=SetCaseFlags(CHANGE_CASE);
if not TimeToExit then begin
if not Initialized then Initialize;
TempFilename:=; end_pos:=0; start_pos:=1; SetLength(SubPatterns,0); SetLength(Matches,0); NotAFullMatch:=false; if SKIP_EXTENTION then FileNameProcessedPart:=WideStripExtension(FileName) else FileNameProcessedPart:=FileName; Matches:=MatchesRegEx(FileNameProcessedPart, REGEX, CASE_SENSITIVE); if Length(Matches) <= 0 then exit; if Matches[0] <> FileNameProcessedPart then NotAFullMatch:=true; SubPatterns:=SubMatchesRegEx(Matches[0],REGEX,CASE_SENSITIVE); if Length(SubPatterns) <=0 then exit; for i:=0 to Length(SubPatterns)-1 do if SubPatterns[i]<> then begin end_pos:=WidePos(SubPatterns[i], Matches[0])-1; TempFileName:=TempFileName+WideCopy(Matches[0], start_pos, end_pos-start_pos+1); start_pos:=end_pos+Length(SubPatterns[i])+1;
if i < length(CaseFlags) then CaseFlag:=CaseFlags[i] else CaseFlag:=CaseFlags[Length(CaseFlags)-1]; case CaseFlag of 0 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+SubPatterns[i]; 1 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideCaseCapitalize(SubPatterns[i]); 2 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideLowerCase(SubPatterns[i]); 3 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideUpperCase(SubPatterns[i]); 4 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideCaseInvert(SubPatterns[i]); 5 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideUpperCase(SubPatterns[i][1])+ WideLowerCase(WideCopy(SubPatterns[i], 2, Length(SubPatterns[i])-1)); else begin WideShowMessage('The value of CHANGE_CASE constant is invalid. Check legend for info.'); TimeToExit:=True; break; end; end;
end; if start_pos < Length(FileNameProcessedPart) then TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideCopy(FileNameProcessedPart, start_pos, Length(FileNameProcessedPart)-start_pos+1);
if NotAFullMatch then if CheckIfFullMatch then begin if not WideInputQuery('RegEx didnt match the full filename.', 'Old filename:'+#10+FileName+#10+#10+ 'Proposed new filename: '+#10+TempFileName+WideExtractFileExt(FileName)+#10+#10+ 'What should we do?'#10+#10+'Pressing OK button = Rename that file'+#10+ 'Pressing Cancek button = Skip that file'+#10+'Type +BREAK_STRING+ in the text field to exit the script or +FOR_ALL_STRING+ if you want to continue with all the files.'+#10, Answer) then Exit else if WideSameText(WideLowerCase(Answer),BREAK_STRING) then begin TimeToExit:=True; exit; end else if WideSameText(WideLowerCase(Answer),FOR_ALL_STRING) then begin CheckIfFullMatch:=False; end else Answer:=STANDARD_ANSWER; end;
if SKIP_EXTENTION then FileName:=TempFileName+WideExtractFileExt(FileName) else FileName:=TempFileName;
end else exit;
end. </source>
Code 2
Thanks to the Stefan's involvement there exists also a version of the script that uses dialog boxes to ask user for required data so no direct changes to the script are needed.
Author: krtek & Stefan. Date: 27 July 2009.
<syntaxhighlight lang="pascal"> const
SKIP_EXTENTION = true; //true or false CASE_SENSITIVE = False; //Should searching with regex be case sensitive? Default: False FULL_MATCH_CHECK = True; //Should the script warn you if regex didn't match the full filename? Default: True;
DEFAULT_REGEX = '(.+) - (.+) - (.+)'; //exchanged with InputQuery
//Legend for CHANGE_CASE parameter: //0. No changes //1. Capitalize Every Word //2. lowercase //3. UPPERCASE //4. iNVERT cASE //5. First letter capital //You may specify case for every capturing group (brackets) in regex as a string of appropriate digits. //If the CHANGE_CASE string is shorten then number of capturing groups then the last digit is used till the end of regex. //If the CHANGE_CASE string is longer, spare digits are ignored. //eg. '102' means that first matched brackets will be uppercased, //second - won't be changed and third (and every brackets after it) - lowercased.
STANDARD_ANSWER = BREAK_STRING+' to exit, '+FOR_ALL_STRING+' to continue';
SCRIPT_NAME = 'krteks CaseChanger';
Matches, SubPatterns : TWideStringArray; TempFilename, FileNameProcessedPart : WideString; start_pos, end_pos, i: Integer; Initialized, TimeToExit, NotAFullMatch, CheckIfFullMatch : Boolean; CaseFlags : array of Integer; CaseFlag : Integer; Answer, Regex, ChangeCase, Info : WideString;
function BoolToStr(condition : boolean) : WideString;
If condition Then result := 'True' Else result := 'False';
procedure procGetUserInput;
Info := Info + #10 + 'Note: check script source for this settings:' +#10 Info := Info + 'SKIP_EXTENTION: ' + #9 + BoolToStr(SKIP_EXTENTION) +#10 Info := Info + 'CASE_SENSITIVE: ' + #9 + BoolToStr(CASE_SENSITIVE) +#10 Info := Info + 'FULL_MATCH_CHECK: ' + #9 + BoolToStr(FULL_MATCH_CHECK) +#10 Regex:=DEFAULT_REGEX; If not WideInputQuery(SCRIPT_NAME, 'Match this RegEx on file name:' +#10 +Info, Regex) then begin TimeToExit := true; exit; end; Info := '0. No changes' +#10 Info := Info + '1. Capitalize Every Word' +#10 Info := Info + '2. lowercase' +#10 Info := Info + '3. UPPERCASE' +#10 Info := Info + '4. iNVERT cASE' +#10 Info := Info + '5. First letter capital' +#10 +#10 Info := Info + 'F.ex.:' +#9 + 'use case type 1 for first match ( ),' +#10 +#9 Info := Info + '0 for second and 3 for third' +#10 +#9 + '=> 103' +#10 +#10 ChangeCase := DEFAULT_CHANGE_CASE; If not WideInputQuery(SCRIPT_NAME, 'Choose case for every single match group ( )'+#10+ 'of your RegEx:' +#10 + Regex +#10 +#10 + Info, ChangeCase ) then begin TimeToExit := true; exit; end;
function SetCaseFlags(s : WideString) : array of Integer; var i : Integer; LoopEnd : Integer; CaseIDs : array of Integer;
SetLength(CaseIDs,Length(s)); LoopEnd:=Length(s)-1; for i:=0 to LoopEnd do begin CaseIDs[i]:= StrToInt(WideCopy(s,1,1)); s:=WideCopy(s,2,Length(s)-1); end;
result:= CaseIDs;
procedure Initialize;
Answer:=STANDARD_ANSWER; CheckIfFullMatch:=FULL_MATCH_CHECK; FilePath := 'not used'; //just to shut up the compiler procGetUserInput; CaseFlags:=SetCaseFlags(ChangeCase); Initialized:=true;
if not TimeToExit then begin
if not Initialized then Initialize; TempFilename:=; end_pos:=0; start_pos:=1; SetLength(SubPatterns,0); SetLength(Matches,0); NotAFullMatch:=false; if SKIP_EXTENTION then FileNameProcessedPart:=WideStripExtension(FileName) else FileNameProcessedPart:=FileName;
Matches:=MatchesRegEx(FileNameProcessedPart, Regex, CASE_SENSITIVE); if Length(Matches) <= 0 then exit; if Matches[0] <> FileNameProcessedPart then NotAFullMatch:=true; SubPatterns:=SubMatchesRegEx(Matches[0],Regex,CASE_SENSITIVE); if Length(SubPatterns) <=0 then exit; for i:=0 to Length(SubPatterns)-1 do if SubPatterns[i]<> then begin end_pos:=WidePos(SubPatterns[i], Matches[0])-1; TempFileName:=TempFileName+WideCopy(Matches[0], start_pos, end_pos-start_pos+1); start_pos:=end_pos+Length(SubPatterns[i])+1; if i < length(CaseFlags) then CaseFlag:=CaseFlags[i] else CaseFlag:=CaseFlags[Length(CaseFlags) -1]; case CaseFlag of 0 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+SubPatterns[i]; 1 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideCaseCapitalize(SubPatterns[i]); 2 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideLowerCase(SubPatterns[i]); 3 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideUpperCase(SubPatterns[i]); 4 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideCaseInvert(SubPatterns[i]); 5 : TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideUpperCase(SubPatterns[i][1])+ WideLowerCase(WideCopy(SubPatterns[i], 2, Length(SubPatterns[i])-1)); else begin WideShowMessage('The value of ChangeCase parameter is invalid.' +#10+ 'ChangeCase string cannot contain '+inttostr(CaseFlag)+ '.'+#10+ 'Check legend for info.' +#10 +#10 +'Script will be terminated.'); TimeToExit:=True; break; end; end;
end; if start_pos < Length(FileNameProcessedPart) then TempFilename:=TempFileName+WideCopy(FileNameProcessedPart, start_pos, Length(FileNameProcessedPart)-start_pos+1);
if NotAFullMatch then if CheckIfFullMatch then begin if not WideInputQuery('RegEx didnt match the full filename.', 'Old filename:'+#10+FileName+#10+#10+'Proposed new filename: '+#10+ TempFileName+WideExtractFileExt(FileName)+#10+#10+'What should we do?'#10+#10+ 'Pressing OK button = Rename that file'+#10+'Pressing Cancek button = Skip that file'+#10+ 'Type +BREAK_STRING+ in the text field to exit the script or +FOR_ALL_STRING+ if you want to continue with all the files.'+#10, Answer) then Exit else if WideSameText(WideLowerCase(Answer),BREAK_STRING) then begin TimeToExit:=True; exit; end else if WideSameText(WideLowerCase(Answer),FOR_ALL_STRING) then begin CheckIfFullMatch:=False; end else Answer:=STANDARD_ANSWER; end; if SKIP_EXTENTION then FileName:=TempFileName+WideExtractFileExt(FileName) else FileName:=TempFileName;
end else exit;
end. </source>