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I was using the info you made me here
but now the music i download has changed format, or I don't understand, I m confused, nothing I try works
For example I download a song called
06. Fabri Fibra - Pamplona.flac
in the Tag I have
Artist: Fabri Fibra/The giornalisti
and I want that the song is renamed in
06 - Pamplona (feat The giornalisti).flac
then remove the artist name if it is present in the original title and leave only the feat
Can you help me? Thanks
I tried everything but I think there is a bug that prevents the artist name from being imported when there is a / inside the name.
Can someone check or verify if I'm wrong?
You haven't told us what rules you are using.
Provide enough information to reproduce your case, i.e. a complete set of rules, example filenames and the desired result.
:FLAC_TrackNo: - :FLAC_Title: (feat :FLAC_Artist:)
I wrote the example above.
From this command I then have to remove the author's name if it is already present in the name
Last edited by Lauraq (2025-03-11 11:22)
Still missing a complete set of rules.
Can't troubleshoot without knowing your exact renaming rules.
sorry I don't know what you mean about other rules...
I have download the latest version of ReNamer and I have a strange result, I post here the pics
now, the / is recognized but the name is repeated at the end and I don't understand why.
The flac is called:
06. Fabri Fibra - Pamplona.flac
In the tags as artist there is
Fabri Fibra/I giornalisti
and I would like the final name to be:
06 - Pamplona (feat I giornalisti).flac
then remove the name that is already present in the name of the flac, because it is the main artist
and I organize my music in folders like this:
year - Albumtitle
so it is not necessary to have the artist in the filename
Last edited by Lauraq (2025-03-17 21:49)
In the tags as artist there is
Fabri Fibra/I giornalisti
In your original examples (in the other thread) you had commas separating the artists, for example "feat Marco Rovelli, Paolo Monti".
If you are trying to get those rules work, you either need to adjust those regular expressions to also handle the slash "/" or simply replace it with a comma before applying that regular expression replacement.
Yes, they changed how they do flacs and modifying them would take too much time
It would be nice, also to learn how to use the program, to know what to change inside the script for, for example, when you are faced with the change from ";" to "/"
Then if it is complicated, don't worry, I will find another solution, thanks
It would be nice, also to learn how to use the program, to know what to change inside the script for, for example, when you are faced with the change from ";" to "/".
Option A: Adjust the regular expression by adding "/" character to the list of expected delimiters, alongside ",". Start learning Regular Expressions.
Option B: Use the Replace rule to replace "/" with "," after you insert the tag but before you apply the regular expression. Think outside the box.
I had thought of the second option but I thought it would clash with the regular expression that should remove the author's name from the (feat
For this reason, and to learn (not how to create regular expressions, which is too complicated for me) but how to modify small parts of them to adapt them to our needs, I asked you if you could show us this regular expression and tell us which part to modify if we have problems such as the changed divisor