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I've searched the ReNamer forum and the User Manual and can't come up with any hits on this:
Is there a way to move the den4b folder to somewhere other than ...\OneDrive\Documents?
If you are using the installer version, your application data would normally be stored in the user profile directory, which in your case appears to be "OneDrive\Documents".
You can change where ReNamer stores this data by editing the Storage.ini file located in the installation folder.
See this article for more details:
It appears that changing the storage.ini location solved the problem.
For some reason, the Presets folder and one or two others were in the OneDrive\Documents folder. The others were duplicated in the %userprofile%\Documents\... folder, but the Presets folder was only in OneDrive\Documents. I modified storage.ini, moved the Presets folder into the userprofile branch, and all seems well.
Thanks for your prompt help.
Pages: 1