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However, MediaInfo has command line options for saving the output to a file, with full Unicode support. I think it should be the "--LogFile" option
Is it like this? This only creates a 1.txt file in the folder.
MediaInfo.exe --LogFile=1.txt --output=General;%Encoded_Date% VID_20201215_102625.mp4
As shown in the figure below, files containing Chinese characters are not recognized
VID_20201215_102625 - 副本
Currently, ExecuteProgram and ExecConsoleApp functions in Pascal Script do not support Unicode characters in the command line. That means that you can't pass a file path that contains Unicode characters. That is why your script works for a file named "VID_20201215_102625", but doesn't work for a file named "VID_20201215_102625 - 副本".
This limitation will be addressed, hopefully in one of the upcoming versions.
Glad to hear that.
Thanks to the Renamer dev team for their enthusiastic help!
Last edited by Bingman (2022-03-07 04:37)
Currently, ExecuteProgram and ExecConsoleApp functions in Pascal Script do not support Unicode characters in the command line.
This limitation has been addressed in v7.5.0.1 Beta.
den4b wrote:Currently, ExecuteProgram and ExecConsoleApp functions in Pascal Script do not support Unicode characters in the command line.
This limitation has been addressed in v7.5.0.1 Beta.
Great, thank you very much.