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Product Version
Publish Date |
2025-01-19 | Beta
2025-01-06 |
Presets Manager: Hold CTRL key when loading a preset to automatically close the window. |
Presets Manager: Hold SHIFT key when loading a preset to append rules to the current preset. |
Updated Traditional Chinese language file. Thanks to Arsphile. |
Updated French language file. Thanks to Philippe MALLET. |
Remove tool button shortcut hints from language files. |
Update legacy URLs. | Beta
2024-11-17 |
Implemented side-by-side view mode for rules and files panes, toggle in settings. |
Add an option to strip custom Unicode ranges in the Strip rule. |
Extend the selections of symbols and brackets in the Strip rule to cover the whole ASCII range. |
Increase the Add Rule window height to fit the Clean Up rule configuration. |
Updated French language file. Thanks to Philippe MALLET. |
Updated Turkish language file. Thanks to Ahmet Murat Özhan. |
Updated Russian language file. | Beta
2024-10-24 |
Add an option to strip unicode emoji in the Clean Up rule. |
Updated Russian language file. | Beta
2024-10-08 |
Display the rule comments in a dedicated column, instead of replacing the rule statements. |
Include the rule comments when exporting rules to clipboard. |
Decouple the renaming rule list from the GUI list view. |
Fix: Redundant triggering of the Preview operation when moving rules. |
Fix: Incorrect positioning of buttons in the Settings window due to High DPI scaling. |
Fix: Incorrect scaling of fonts in rule configuration frames on High DPI setups. The issue was introduced in v7.5.0.1 Beta. |
Fix: File extension is erroneously removed by the fixing of conflicting names if the filename starts with a dot, due to inconsistent handling of the FirstDotAtFileNameStartIsExtension setting. |
Change the default value of the FirstDotAtFileNameStartIsExtension setting to True. |
Pascal Script: WideStripExtension respects the FirstDotAtFileNameStartIsExtension setting. |
Refactor the management of the currently loaded preset status. - Mark the currently loaded preset as "not modified" when it is saved with the same name. - Mark the currently loaded preset as "modified" and keep the preset name unchanged when rules are appended from a different preset. - Mark the currently loaded preset as "modified" when the preset file is deleted via the preset manager. - Reload the presets menu after saving if the current preset file didn't exist, e.g. deleted via the preset manager. |
Updated Russian language file. |
Ignored 1 unrecognized changelog nodes.
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