Use version filter to narrow down the changelog, for example,
2.0 for changes since v2.0;
2.0..3.0 for changes between v2.0 and v3.0;
0..3.0 for changes up until v3.0.
Product Version
Publish Date |
2024-09-02 | Beta
2024-07-30 |
Updated Corsican language file. Thanks to Patriccollu di Santa Maria è Sichè. | Beta
2024-06-14 |
Added Spanish language file. Thanks to JuankiNet/HPZB15G3. | Beta
2024-05-20 |
Added Simplified Chinese language file. Thanks to 小白鼠. | Beta
2022-07-27 |
Added Hebrew language file. Thanks to Boaz Mashiyah. | Beta
2022-06-10 |
Changed build environment to Lazarus 2.0.4 + FPC 3.0.4. |
Guess the fallback language code by removing sub-codes, e.g. "en_US" to "en". |
Handle "--lang=xx" command line language specification, in addition to "--lang xx". |
Case insensitive handling of "--lang=xx" and "--lang xx" command line parameters. |
Updated Japanese language file. Thanks to Tilt. |
Updated Turkish language file. Thanks to Çağatay KAYA. |
Updated Corsican language file. Thanks to Patriccollu di Santa Maria è Sichè. |
Ignored 1 unrecognized changelog nodes.
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